
This story follows Marie and Aisling; best friends, bandmates, and new mothers. They have released a hit song together, their children are growing up happy and healthy and everything is going (a little too) well. But when Marie finds herself trapped in an alternate timeline in which her daughter doesn’t exist, she risks everything she has to find her way back.

What begins as a seemingly ordinary tale of female friendship and overcoming the odds, quickly spirals into an alternate reality where echoes of another life slip through the cracks, the rumble of an earthquake draws nearer and nearer, and Marie is forced to face the truth that she has buried.

Photo by Sam Taylor Photography


The show has a cast of two and an on-stage band. With music inspired by the likes of Brandi Carlile, Florence and the Machine, and (maybe a touch of) Wet Leg, this female-driven story by an all-female creative team explores themes of female friendship, motherhood, and the seldom acknowledged experiences of infertility, postnatal depression, and miscarriage.


click here to listen to acoustic versions of some of the music, written and performed by Mackenzie Larsen.

Photo by Matthew Gouldesbrough

Photos by Matthew Gouldesbrough